Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's All in the Details. . .

God loves us all. . . but when we are human, we don't always realize it.  Psalms 139 verses 1-3 say, "O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me.  Thou knowest my downsitting  and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.  Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

There is so much to be said about those verses. . . and so much more than we will ever be able to express according to verse 6.  The Lord loves us, but more specifically, He loves me.  More than that, He truly understands me.  He comprehends my schedule . . . and when I'm not adhering to it exactly. :) The Lord knows where I live and where I work and where I like to buy groceries.  He understands why I think the way I think.  He understands my dreaming mind when others get annoyed with my unattainable thoughts.  The Lord knows what makes me mad and what makes me upset.  He knows what hurts me and what makes my day.  The Lord knows my goals and dreams - and whether or not they are in His plans for my life.  He knows my habits.  He knows the schedule that I take my dog "potty outside."  He knows that I am forgetful - even though I try to find ways to not forget, I still do.  He knows I am prone to organize my life with technology opposed to paper.  He knows I like my shopping list to be on my phone and my menu planner on an internet calendar and my budget on a Google spreadsheet.  He knows I like Google better than Yahoo.  The Lord knows that I nurse my coffee from 6:15 AM all the way to 10:00 AM, and that 10:00 AM is snack time because I always get hungry at 10:00 AM.  I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the point.  We all have different ways, but the Lord is acquainted with all of them.  He understands them.  And He loves us all the more for them.

Please feel loved by God today and make it a practice to feel loved by Him every day. . .because He has a purposeful thought of you AT LEAST 2x per second.  That's something to think about. :)

1 comment:

Pokey said...

So true. My principal had just returned from a marriage retreat, and had shared the fact that, as much as we try to understand our spouse, we don't always. But God "gets" us. It's good to praise Him for that kind of love!