Sunday, April 3, 2011

Throat Coat

During the Christmas season, I had a singing engagement. . .that I would have had a great voice for, except that it had to be postponed a few days because of snow.  The day that it was rescheduled for brought me a cold with it.  I could not have sung if it weren't for this tea that I nursed all day long - who knows how much work I got done. . . between making tea, drinking tea, and getting rid of the tea!  Oh, wait. . .it was for my job too!  How could I possibly answer phones with a sore throat?

I had heard of this tea over the years, but had hesitated trying it because of the price.  It's about $5 per box.  That day, I knew just cough syrup wouldn't work (and one can only have so many doses in 24 hours!).  I bought the tea - Throat Coat tea.

It is my new favorite remedy.  The only catch is that once your water is boiling, you have to steep the tea for ten minutes while it is covered.  I have drunk the tea after only a few minutes, but the main property of the tea that I needed wasn't there.  You see, one of the herbs in Throat Coat makes the tea more viscous - which means that it is more thick. . .not a gel, but between liquid and a gel.  On a sore throat, it feels wonderful.

P.S.  I recently read that drinking boiling water can attribute to esophageal cancer! :)


Norma said...

and your point is . . . do we take it or not?

Melodie said...

Yes, yes, yes. I love it. Especially as a sugar-free alternative to regular cough syrup - although it is rather nice with some honey in it. :)